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Oral Presentations or Invited Talks

  1. Ali SH, Onakomaiya D, Islam T, Zanowiak J, Mammen S, Mohaimin S, Wyatt LC, Lim S, Islam NS. Using Implementation Science to Longitudinally Evaluate a Diabetes Prevention and Management Intervention among South Asians in New York City. 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) [Oral]; Dec. 11-14, 2022; Washington, DC. Link to presentation.

  2. Ali SH, Wyatt L, Mohsin F, Onakomaiya D, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Lim S, Islam N. Changes in fruit, vegetable, and sugar-sweetened beverage intake among pre-diabetic South Asians following a community-health worker intervention. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Oral]; Nov. 6-9, 2022; Boston, MA. Link to presentation.

  3. Ali SH. Efficiently Utilizing Social Media Advertising for Rapid Data Collection during COVID-19: Lessons learned from the NYU CovidKAP study. COVID-19 Survey Research Working Group (York University - Collaboration for Emergency Management, Policy, and Preparedness Research), April 13, 2021. Link to presentation.

  4. Ali SH, Merdjanoff AA, DiClemente RJ, Parekh N. Enhancing qualitative assessment of complex food behaviors through free-listing informed mind-mapping: development and feasibility analysis. International Conference on Diet & Activity Methods (eICDAM) [Oral]; February 8-12, 2021; Virtual. Link to presentation.

  5. Inala S, Ali SH. Advancing Asian American mental health through community-driven research: The India Home South Asian Seniors Needs Assessment. 4th Annual Pacific Education Advocacy Research & Learning Institute of New York, Inc. (P.E.A.R.L.) Conference [Oral presentation]; Dec. 9, 2021; Virtual. Link to presentation.

  6. Marcello RK, Salcedo V, Ali SH, Porter KP. The Role of Safety Net Hospital Systems in Advancing Health Equity: Perspectives from Employees and Leadership. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Oral]; Nov. 6-9, 2022; Boston, MA.

  7. Parikh RS, Ali SH, Mohsin F, DiClemente R. Exploring family interaction patterns among LGB+ Asian American young adults. 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Oral presentation]; Oct. 24-27, 2021; Denver, CO.

  8. Yi SS, Ali SH, Li Y, Wang V, Russo RG. Utilizing community-partnered systems science, mixed-methods and implementation science to promote access to healthy food and nutrition education for diverse immigrant communities. 2021 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Annual Conference [Panel presentation]; Aug 8-10, 2021; Virtual.

  9. Kim S, Ali SH, Jones A, Capasso A, Foreman J, DiClemente RJ, Tozan Y. COVID-19-Related Knowledge, Protective Behaviors and the Moderating Role of Primary Sources of Information: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Online Survey in the United States. 2021 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) [Oral]; June 14-17, 2021; Virtual. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.13763. In: Health Services Research, 56(Suppl 2), 32-33.

  10. Parekh N, Ali SH, Murphy B, DiClemente RJ. An inter-generational Research Incubator to navigate students into public health careers: The South Asian Health and Research (SAHARA) Group. 2021 Transforming Institutions Conference [Oral]; June 9-11, 2021; Virtual.

  11. Yi SS, Ali SH, Russio RG, Foster V, Radee A, Chong S, Tsui F, Lee D, Imbruce VM, Mezzacca TA. COVID-19 Disproportionately Affects the Food Retail Environment in Chinese Ethnic Neighborhoods in New York City. 2021 ASFS-AFHVS-CAFS-SAFN Joint Virtual Conference [Oral Presentation]; June 9-15, 2021; Virtual.

  12. Parekh N, Ali SH, O’Connor J, DiClemente RJ. Food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a nationwide study among social media users. Obesity & COVID-19 Virtual Symposium [Oral presentation]; May 29, 2020; Virtual.

  13. Capasso A, DiClemente RJ, Ali SH, Jones AM, Foreman J, Tozan Y. Income, Risk and Mental Health: How The COVID-19 Pandemic May Be Deepening Health Disparities Among U.S. Workers. 2021 International Health Economics Association (IHEA) World Congress [Oral presentation]; July 12-15, 2021; Virtual.

  14. Misra S, Rahman T, Aravala S, Mohsin F, Ali SH, Taher M, Mitra M. Understanding experiences of severe mental illness among immigrants in the United States: An example from South Asian patients and their families in New York City. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Oral]; Nov. 6-9, 2022; Boston, MA.

Poster Presentations

  1. Ali SH, Chan C, Lanza V, Yi SS. Using geo-spatial data to assess disparities in cardiovascular outcomes and accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables in a multi-ethnic urban environment: considerations for the role of wet markets in Singaporean CVD prevention. Singapore Prevention & Cardiac Rehabilitation Symposium 2023 [Poster]; Oct. 28-29, 2023; Singapore. Link to poster.

  2. Ali SH, Wyatt L, Rakhra A, Zanowiak J, Mammen S, Lim S, Islam NS. Accessibility and feasibility of using telehealth in a community-clinical linkage based chronic disease prevention intervention among urban-dwelling South Asian immigrants. Singapore Prevention & Cardiac Rehabilitation Symposium 2023 [Poster]; Oct. 28-29, 2023; Singapore. Link to poster.

  3. Ali SH, Onakomaiya D, Mohsin FM, Islam T, Mohaimin S, Saif NI, Rahman F, Zanowiak J, Mammen S, Lim S, Islam NS. A Multistakeholder, Longitudinal Perspective on the Perceived Impact of a Diabetes Intervention for South Asians in New York. American Diabetes Association 83rd Scientific Sessions [Poster]; Jun. 23-26, 2023; San Diego, CA. In: Diabetes, 72(Supplement_1), 709-P. Link to poster.

  4. Ali SH, Lowery C, Lloyd-Montgomery J, Vedovato G, Dudzik J, Trude A. Including Community Voices to Promote Equity in Online Grocery Shopping: Qualitative Findings From SNAP-Eligible Households With Young Children. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2022 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 14-16, 2022; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 474. Link to poster.

  5. Ali SH, Onakomaiya D, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Lim S, Islam NS. How health clinics serving South Asians in NYC adapted to COVID-19: perspectives from providers and staff. NYU Urban Initiative's Annual Urban Research Day [Poster]; Mar. 8, 2022; New York, NY. Link to poster.

  6. Ali SH, Mohsin FM, Parikh RS, DiClemente RJ. Motivations to eat healthy among Asian American young adults: exploring the role of acculturation, socio-economic background. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  7. Ali SH, Wyatt L, Mohaimin S, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Lim S, Islam N. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diabetic and pre-diabetic South Asian immigrants participating in a community health worker intervention. Poster presentation at: 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Oct. 24-27, 2021; Denver, CO. (Winner: Best Student Abstract Award). Link to poster.

  8. Ali SH, Mohaimin S, Dhar R, Dhar M, Rahman F, Roychowdhury L, Islam T, Lim S. Exploring disparities in lifetime sexual violence and attitudes related to sexual assault among young sexual minority South Asian Americans. 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Oct. 24-27, 2021; Denver, CO. (Winner: Walter J. Lear Outstanding Student Research Award).  Link to presentation.

  9. Ali SH, Parekh N, Capasso A, Tozan Y, Jones AM, Foreman J, DiClemente RJ. Changes in eating behaviors during COVID-19 and association with food insecurity: results from a nation-wide online survey. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2021 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 7-10, 2021; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(Suppl 2), nzab029_003. Link to poster.

  10. Ali SH, Gupta S, Hanif C, Tariq M, Vasquez-Lopez X, Penikalapati R, Parkeh N, Merdjanoff AA, DiClemente RJ. Exploring the drivers of second-generation South Asian American eating behaviors using a novel qualitative methodology: virtual free-listing informed mind-mapping. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2021 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 7-10, 2021; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(Suppl 2), nzab038_002. Link to poster.

  11. Ali SH, Mohaimin S, Islam T, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Wyatt L, Lim S, Islam N. Implementation evaluation and fidelity assessment of a diabetes management intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Diabetes Research, Education, and Action for Minorities (DREAM) Initiative. 2021 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting [Poster]; April 20-23, 2021; Virtual. Link to poster.

  12. Ali SH, Capasso A, Tozan Y, Foreman J, Jones AM, DiClemente RJ. Loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a nationwide study among social media users. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 42nd Annual Meeting [Poster]; April 12-16, 2021; Virtual. Link to poster.

  13. Ali SH, Misra S, Parekh N, Murphy B, DiClemente RJ. (2020). Preventing Type 2 Diabetes among South Asian Americans through community-lifestyle interventions: a systematic review. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 41st Annual Meeting [Poster]; April 1-4, 2020; Virtual. In: Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54(Suppl 1), S568. Link to poster.

  14. Ali SH, Wyatt LC, Yi SS, Misra S, Kwon SC, Trinh-Shevrin C, Islam NS. Neighborhood Social Cohesion and disease prevention behaviors in South Asian, South-east Asian, and East Asian immigrant populations. 7th Annual New York City Epidemiology Forum [Poster]; Feb 28, 2020; New York, NY. (Winner of best poster award). Link to poster.

  15. Ali S, Yan S, Gunen B, Adams L, Gu Y, Poirier L, Craig H, Regan T, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Associations between Food Pantry Size and Foods Received by Clients in Baltimore City [P04-031-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz051.P04-031-19.

  16. Yi SS, Ali SH, Russo RG, Foster V, Radee A, Chong S,Tsui F, Kranick J, Lee D, Imbruce V, Mezzacca TA. Changes to the Food Retail Environment Due to COVID-19 in New York City, May to July 2020. ObesityWeek 2020 [Poster]; November 2-6, 2020; Virtual.

  17. Gupta S, Ali SH, Cai J, Mohsin FM, Parikh RS, DiClemente RJ. Family engagement and stress management in Asian American communities. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  18. Dhar B, Ali SH, Sharma P, Mohsin FM, Parikh RS, DiClemente RJ. Exploring the influence of family interaction patterns on the ability to improve sleep among Asian American young adults. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  19. Mohsin FM, Ali SH, Parikh RS, DiClemente RJ. Exploring the implications of individualism among young Asian Americans and its impact on lifestyle behavior-related outcomes. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  20. Cai J, Ali SH, Mohsin FM, Parikh RS, DiClemente RJ. Methods of communication within Asian American family networks: lessons for health intervention development in a COVID world. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  21. Sharma P, Ali SH, Dhar B, Mohsin FM, Parikh RS, DiClemente. Do family dynamics inform how young Asian Americans form and maintain relationships? Findings from a family health survey. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  22. Mohaimin S, Ali SH, Lim S, Zanowiak, Mammen S, Hussain S, Wyatt L, Ahmed M, Alam G, Haq M, Sultana S, Uddin MDJ, Zafar H, Zafar S, Islam N. Remote recruitment and virtual curriculum transition of a community health worker led diabetes prevention and management intervention for South Asians in NYC. 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Oct. 24-27, 2021; Denver, CO.

  23. Onakomaiya D, Ali SH, Islam T, Mohaimin S, Gill R, Sikder S, Monir A, Ali M, Mehmood R, Maammen S, Zanowiak J, Wyatt L, Lim S, Islam S. Stakeholder perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of a diabetes prevention and management study among South Asian populations in New York City. 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Oct. 24-27, 2021; Denver, CO.

  24. Yi SS, Ali SH, Russo RG, Foster V, Radee A, Chong S,Tsui F, Kranick J, Lee D, Imbruce V, Mezzacca TA. Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on the food retail environment in Chinese ethnic neighborhoods in New York City. Region VI 2020 Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Virtual Health Summit [Poster]; October 29-30, 2020; Virtual. (2nd place best poster award)

  25. Chen Tan Z, Ali S, Ansari S, Brar A, Mohammed Y, Merdjanoff A, Parekh N, Abdulle A, Jabari A, Ali R, DiClemente R. Deconstructing the Diet of Young South Asians Socialized Within the United Arab Emirates: A Mixed-Methods Study Using Social Network Analysis. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2022 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 14-16, 2022; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 608. Link to poster.

  26. Cai J, Ali S, Mohsin F, Parikh R, Yang K, Auer S, Sanghvi A, Kamal F, Merdjanoff A, Parekh N, DiClemente R. Disaggregating How Asian Americans Define a Healthy Diet: Exploring Generational and Intra-family Differences Through Dyadic Interviews. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2022 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 14-16, 2022; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 100. Link to poster.

  27. Lowery C, Ali S, Dudzik J, Trude A, Vedovato G. Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Online Grocery Shopping Among Low-Income Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2022 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 14-16, 2022; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 215. Link to poster.

  28. ​Mohsin F, Wyatt L, Ali SH, Onakomaiya D, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Lim S, Islam N. Changes in diabetes distress improve medication adherence among South Asians with uncontrolled diabetes following a community-health worker intervention. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Nov. 6-9, 2022; Boston, MA.

  29. Dudzik J, Lowery C, Ali S, Trude A. Disaggregating How Asian Americans Define a Healthy Diet: Exploring Generational and Intra-family Differences Through Dyadic Interviews. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2022 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 14-16, 2022; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 107. Link to poster.

  30. Parikh RS, Cai J, Ali SH, Yang K, Mohsin FM, Truong T, Auer S, Gupta S, Parekh N, Merdjanoff A, DiClemente RJ. What about siblings?: Exploring pathways to adapt Asian American family dietary interventions. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  31. Auer S, Penikalapati R, Ali SH, Gupta S, Parekh N, Merdjanoff A, DiClemente RJ. "Tried to Show My Dad How to Eat Fajitas... Didn't Go Well": Exploring South Asian American eating behaviors from the lens of kin. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 43rd Annual Meeting. [Poster]; April 6-9, 2022; Baltimore, MD. Link to poster.

  32. Sooyoung K, Capasso A, Headley TH, Ali SH, Jones AM, DiClemente RJ, Tozan Y. Health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of employment conditions. 8th Annual New York City Epidemiology Forum [Poster]; May 23, 2022; New York, NY. (Winner of best student poster award)

  33. Capasso A, Sooyoung K, Ali SH, Jones AM, DiClemente RJ, Tozan Y. Health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of employment conditions. 8th Annual New York City Epidemiology Forum [Poster]; May 23, 2022; New York, NY.

  34. Trude A, Lloyd-Montgomery J, Ali SH, Lowery CM, Hager E, Black M. Online Grocery Shopping Patterns and Barriers among Families Eligible for SNAP: A Mixed Methods Study. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2021 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 7-10, 2021; Virtual. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(Suppl 2), nzab043_019. (Finalist for Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Abstract Recognition Award)

  35. Capasso A, DiClemente RJ, Ali SH, Jones AM, Foreman J, Tozan Y. Employment conditions as barriers to the adoption of protective behaviors against COVID-19 among employed adults in the U.S.: Findings from a national online survey. Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) 42nd Annual Meeting [Poster]; April 12-16, 2021; Virtual.

  36. Capasso A, DiClemente RJ, Ali SH, Jones AM, Foreman J, Tozan Y. Income and COVID-19-related health disparities among U.S. workers: findings from a national survey. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 69th Annual Meeting [Poster]; November 15-19, 2020; Virtual.

  37. Mehmood A, Hung YW, He H, Ali SH, Bachani AM. (2018). Using injury severity measures in trauma research – a review from low- and middle- income countries [PW 0706]. 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion [Poster]; Nov 5-7, 2018; Bangkok, Thailand. In: Injury Prevention, 24(Suppl 2), A169.1-A169.

  38. Kim S, Capasso A, Headley TY, Ali SH, DiClemente RJ. What predicts people’s adherence to COVID-19 misinformation? A retrospective study using a nationwide online survey among adults residing in the United States. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Nov. 6-9, 2022; Boston, MA.

  39. Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Onakomaiya D, Ali SH, Hussain S, Pillai S, Mehmood R, Monir A, Kaur J, Mhedi A, Lim S, Islam N. Lessons learned in coalition building and South Asian CBO involvement in translational research. 2023 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Nov. 12-15, 2023; Atlanta, GA.

  40. Ahmed N, Wyatt L, Mohsin F, Ali SH, Taher M, Kanaya A, Kandula N, Islam N. Co-occurrence of type 2 diabetes and poor mental health: Findings from the mediators of atherosclerosis in south asians living in america (MASALA) study. 2023 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Nov. 12-15, 2023; Atlanta, GA.

  41. Pachipala K, Shankar V, Rezler Z, Vittal R, Ali SH, Srinivasan MS, Palaniappan L, Yang E, Juul F, Elfassy T. Acculturation And Associations With Ultra-processed Food Consumption Among Asian Americans: NHANES, 2011-2018. American Heart Association EPI Lifestyle Scientific Sessions 2022 [Poster]; Mar. 1-3, 2022; Chicago, IL.

  42. Mohaimin S, Lim S, Zanowiak J, Mammen S, Ali S, Hussain S, Wyatt L, Islam N. Transitioning a community-health worker-led diabetes prevention intervention for South Asians at NYC primary care practices to a virtual platform. Region VI 2020 Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Virtual Health Summit [Poster]; October 29-30, 2020; Virtual.

  43. Misra S, Wyatt LW, Wong JA, Huang CY, Ali SH, Trinh-Shevrin C, Islam NS, Yi SS, Kwon SC. Determinants of depression risk among three Asian American subgroups in New York City. 7th Annual New York City Epidemiology Forum [Poster]; Feb 28, 2020; New York, NY.

  44. Gunen B, Yan S, Adams L, Ali S, Poirier L, Gu Y, Craig H, Regan T, Egan K, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Design and Implementation of a Feasibility Trial to Promote Healthful Foods and Beverages at Baltimore City Food Pantries Using Policy, Systems and Environmental Strategies [P04-047-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz051.P04-047-19.

  45. Gu Y, Yan S, Gunen B, Poirier L, Ali S, Adams L, Craig H, Regan T, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Associations between nutrition-related intentions and healthiness of food selections by food pantry clients in Baltimore City [P04-046-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz051.P04-046-19.

  46. Craig H, Yan S, Gunen B, Adams L, Ali S, Gu Y, Poirier L, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Understanding Differences in Food Distribution Methods Among Food Pantries in Baltimore City, MD [P04-037-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster];  June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz051.P04-037-19.

  47. Harper K, Gunen B, Ali S, Santiago C, Gu Y, Trujillo A, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Testing price manipulation strategies to increase purchasing of healthier foods and reduce purchasing of unhealthy foods in an urban community grocery store [P13-016-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz036.P13-016-19.

  48. Rakhra A, Wyatt L, Lee M, Mammen S, Zanowiak J, Mohaimin S, Ali SH, Onakomaiya D, Lim S, Islam N. Assessing implementation outcomes of a community health worker led diabetes prevention and management intervention among south asians in New York City: DREAM initiative. 2023 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference [Poster]; Nov. 12-15, 2023; Atlanta, GA.

  49. Adams L, Yan S, Ali S, Poirier L, Craig H, Gu Y, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Associations Between Socio-demographic Characteristics of Food Pantry Clients and Foods Received from Baltimore City Food Pantries [P04-030-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz051.P04-030-19.

  50. Daniel L, Harper K, Gunen B, Poirier L, Ali S, Orta-Aleman D, Santiago C, Gu Y, Yiru Xu Y, Trujillo A, Gittelsohn J. (2019). Formative research to explore reasons for low use of a non-profit community grocery store and to develop potential solutions [P13-007-19]. American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Nutrition 2019 Annual Meeting [Poster]; June 8-11, 2019; Baltimore, MD. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Suppl 1), nzz036.P13-007-19.

  51. Luo R, Ali SH, Li Y, Liu X, Tang C, Zhang P. (2018). Application of Mhealth Technologies Aimed at Salt Reduction: A systematic Review [P199]. The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics in Asia [Poster]; Jul 6, 2018; Hong Kong.

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