About Me

Hello! 😊👋 I am a research fellow at the National University of Singapore Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. As a mixed-methods health behavioral researcher, my expertise primarily lies in 1) family-led and community-led approaches to equitable health promotion, 2) cardiovascular disease risk factors and behaviors (particularly diet), and 3) the health of Asian, immigrant, and racial/ethnic minority populations.
Click on the icons below to learn more about my work, and email me if you'd like to connect!
Across my 70+ publications, I have conducted work in the US, China, Australia, Pakistan, and Singapore on topics ranging from social/family dynamics, program evaluation and implementation science, diet/eating behaviors and the food environment, as well as mhealth and the digital health environment. In the past, my research has also included COVID-19, mental health, environmental health, and injuries/violence.
As an academic, I have a strong skillset in quantitative, qualitative, and geo-spatial analysis methods, and have taught multiple undergraduate and graduate level public health courses. Additionally, I have developed or participated in range of videos, visual graphics, podcasts, and web-articles to better connect with the communities i work with.
As tri-national citizen of Australia, the US, and Pakistan and fluent speaker of English, Mandarin Chinese, and Urdu, I am particularly passionate about developing community-sensitive and community-engaged approaches to health research.